Bullying is a serious problem — and one that doesn't stop after school hours. As adults, we're more aware of bullying than we used to be during our old school days. We use the term "bullying" loosely, however, without understanding what it truly means or how to prevent it.
In this article, we explore the definition of bullying, explore various kinds of bullying and provide practical tips on dealing with it.
Bullying is a repeated show of aggression towards others to express dominance and power, making the victims feel afraid and uncomfortable. It’s a common problem among school-going children and can cause lasting effects on both the bullied and the bully.
There are three kinds of bullying: physical, verbal, and emotional. When kids are bullied, it can be hard for them to know which one they’re experiencing. Physical bullying includes pushing, hitting, kicking, and other violent actions.
Verbal bullying includes name-calling, insults, and offensive language. Emotional bullying is when a bully makes unsolicited comments about a student’s personal life.
The school administration must ensure that bullying does not happen. As such, it’s important to have measures in place to prevent it from happening or identify ongoing one. Schools can do the following to stop bullying.
Such a program should aim at raising awareness of the bullying menace and the consequences for wrongdoers. The administration should also focus on creating a positive climate to foster healthy coexistence and development among students.
This involves teaching students about social awareness, self-awareness, self-management, relationship management, and responsible decision-making. Students, teachers, and staff should refrain from passing judgment on students when addressing unwanted behaviors.
Communication plays a vital role in building relationships. When teachers communicate freely, it’ll be easier for students to open up and talk about their experiences, including bullying. Encourage classroom meetings and let kids participate by asking questions freely without being judged by others.
Involving parents, whether the child is the bully or being bullied, can help identify underlying issues in a child’s life and work together to develop better replacement behavior.
Bullying happens in certain areas most, places where adults are less likely to be present. These include bathrooms, playgrounds, and hallways. The presence of an adult gives a child confidence and a feeling of being safe. Such areas must be monitored and adults pay more attention when several students meet in such places.
At Premia Academy, we strive to take the best care of each & every student & stand against bullying.